

1. What were you doing ten years ago?
It would have been the summer between 9th and 10th grade. We moved from Virginia to Maryland. We had just had the house built and I was upset because I didn't know anyone. That was a tough summer.

2. What 5 things are on your to-do list for today?
1) Finish some things for work
2) Eat
3) Go to the gym
4) Pack
5) Watch tv with Scott

3. Snacks you enjoy?
Pitas and hummus, bbq chips

4. Places you've lived?
NJ, SC, Japan, NC, AZ, VA and MD

5. What are 5 things you would do if you were a billionaire?
1) Not work
2) Buy a house and have kids
3) Travel
4) Presents for everyone!
5) Donate to cancer research

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