
Chantal cookware

I mentioned before that I've seen Chantal cookware on 90210, Friends, Seinfeld and Home Improvement.

Yes, I'm slightly obsessed.

Mostly, I see at least the tea kettle. On Friends and Home Improvement, I've seen the pots and pans.

Last night, as I was watching Gilmore Girls, I caught a glimpse of that tea kettle on Lorelai's stove.

Okay, so that's 5 shows now.

1) 90210 -- tea kettle on David's stove
2) Friends -- Monica has the cookware set
3) Seinfeld -- Jerry has the tea kettle
4) Home Improvement -- Jill has the set
5) Gilmore Girls -- tea kettle on Lorelai's stove

I'll update as soon as I see it on another show or movie.


Suburban prep said...

Lorelei didn't even cook.
I have All-Clad and love it but I have one piece of Chantal and love them as well. Not a real big Calphalon fan.

Janet said...

I actually don't even own anything from Chantal, but it's on my wishlist on Amazon. One day!