
It took awhile to come up with these.

100 things about me

  1. I have always liked the color pink.
  2. I began wearing glasses when I was 11.
  3. I finally got contacts at 22.
  4. My first favorite movie was Labyrinth. I used to watch it endlessly.
  5. I need at least 7-8 hours of sleep to function.
  6. I cannot work a full day without coffee.
  7. I almost always wear sunglasses when it's sunny outside; especially when I'm driving.
  8. I am deathly afraid of mice.
  9. I can remember as far back to around 2 or 3 years old.
  10. I really enjoy doing laundry.
  11. Dusting isn't my favorite.
  12. I've always had freckles.
  13. Both of my parents are left handed; my brother and I are right handed.
  14. I've struggled with math since first grade.
  15. I've always loved reading and writing.
  16. I almost always write in cursive.
  17. I spent 3 years of my life in Japan, 1985-1988, living on a base with my family.
  18. I'm a Marine brat.
  19. Before I was 15, I had never lived anywhere for longer than 3 years.
  20. I still talk to my best friend from first and second grade.
  21. I ran cross country and track in high school. It was fun.
  22. I'm not above drinking Franzia wine. As long as it's red wine.
  23. I like to have music when I'm running.
  24. I can listen to the same song over and over. All day long.
  25. I love almost anything 80's related. Music, cartoons, movies, tv shows, etc.
  26. It took me nearly a year to watch the entire series of 90210.
  27. I still read my old babysitter's club books.
  28. Jordan was my favorite NKTOB.
  29. I like thrift shopping. More so than yard sales.
  30. I built my entire dish collection from thrift stores and ebay.
  31. I have a full set of Corelle Spring Blossom. I get the warm fuzzies just looking at them.
  32. I like drinking coffee, tea and red wine. The dentist always points these things out as if I'm not aware.
  33. Both Scott and I have My Buddy dolls from when we were kids.
  34. I saw Conan O' Brien live in 06/2008.
  35. I absolutely love going to New York City.
  36. I have been on two cruises so far. So far.
  37. My tonsils are long gone.
  38. So are my wisdom teeth.
  39. I sunburn way too easily. Hello, SPF 45.
  40. I can be very shy in large groups. I wish I wasn't.
  41. My dream car is a Honda Fit.
  42. I love the preppy look.
  43. If I could have lived in another era, I think the 1960's would have been fun. Minus Vietnam.
  44. The crockpot is my favorite kitchen appliance.
  45. I have dreams of owning a Kitchenaid stand mixer in either apple green or cinnamon.
  46. I'm very frugal/thrifty.
  47. I could spend an entire afternoon in either a used bookstore or library.
  48. I have no patience for knitting, sewing, crocheting, etc. I wish I did.
  49. I love taking pictures.
  50. I took photography in college.
  51. I went to Frostburg State University in Maryland.
  52. Someday, I'd love to go to grad school.
  53. I've been to Disneyland several times, and only once to Disney World. Disneyland is better.
  54. I lived in North Carolina from 1988-1991. I absolutely loved it there.
  55. I lived in Arizona from 1991-1994. We had the chance to live in California, but my dad decided against it.
  56. I had a southern accent when I moved to Arizona; I didn't realize it until the other kids pointed it out.
  57. I was born in New Jersey, but we moved before the end of 1983.
  58. I lived in South Carolina from 1983-1985.
  59. I would love to go back to South Carolina and make up for what I was too young to remember.
  60. I lived in Northern Virginia from 1994 -1998.
  61. I've been in Maryland since 1998.
  62. I have a brother named Jonathan; he's four years older.
  63. I was a Brownie when I was in elementary school.
  64. I have 20+ cousins on my dad's side, and one on my mom's side.
  65. If I didn't have to work, I'd spend my mornings writing. Maybe I'd write a novel.
  66. Deep water (as in, the middle of the ocean) freaks me out.
  67. I love strawberries.
  68. I look for sea glass at the beach.
  69. My favorite season of The Real World is Seattle.
  70. I've been to Seattle once, and I can't wait to go back.
  71. I enjoy Starbucks coffee.
  72. I will only eat strawberry flavored toaster waffles.
  73. I'm totally uncoordinated. I'm sure it's a hoot to watch me play tennis.
  74. I'm a capricorn. My birthday is about 2 weeks after Christmas.
  75. I think that I was meant to be a 1950's housewife, given my love of everything domestic.
  76. I could spend hours in housewares.
  77. When I lived in North Carolina, my family had a dog named Buffy. She couldn't come to Arizona with us, so we gave her back to my mom's Aunt. I never saw her again. :(
  78. I'm really not a competitive person.
  79. I like the 80's/90's Bon Jovi, but not so much the new stuff.
  80. I'm really not a fan of country music, with the exception of maybe two songs.
  81. I will wear a Phillies hat at any baseball game, even if they're not playing.
  82. I can't whistle to save my life.
  83. I love Wawa hoagies.
  84. I worked at Wawa during the summer of 2003.
  85. I would love to live in Manhattan if it wasn't so expensive.
  86. My middle name is Mary after my two great grandmothers.
  87. I like the color green.
  88. I wore braces in high school.
  89. Formal restaurants make me uncomfortable. I enjoy diners, personally.
  90. I had my first cup of coffee at 18, courtesy of my friend Linds.
  91. I never leave the house without some sort of sunscreen on.
  92. I can only drink iced tea if it's sweetened.
  93. I have a very supportive family.
  94. My heritage is Scottish and Welsh. I'm sure some English and Irish is in there, too.
  95. I think I was an Italian in a former life. (love of food, culture, etc.)
  96. I'm very sentimental.
  97. I like to learn about history.
  98. I'm a cheesesteak snob.
  99. It's hard for me to sit still; I always feel as if I need to do something.
  100. I love blogging, reading blogs, making lists, filling out surveys....

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