
The peachy way to clean

I guess, in a perfect world, I could be as well put together as The Hyper Homemaker. Not having a speck of dirt in sight, perfectly pressed linens, fresh flowers in gorgeous vases, etc. She even lists how to be organized, complete with tips on how often to do chores.

I pride myself on a clean and happy apartment. But.....I just don't have the time to iron my sheets! In fact, I have a set of Ralph Lauren (bought at Ross!) sheets that are forever wrinkled. Can't help it, but wow, they're soft!

I don't clean on a schedule or have days set aside for certain chores. My free time is unpredictable. No two Mondays are the same. Instead.....I get things taken care of as I think of them. Scott does a great deal, too. It's not all on me.

Here are a few of MY tips:

--Once the clothes hamper is full, sort into loads and do them when you have a chance. Just no time for laundry? Sometimes, I start a wash load just before I go to sleep and then put that load in the dryer the next morning. Or I'll start a wash load while I'm getting ready in the morning and then toss them in the dryer on my lunch break. I fold & put away the clean laundry when I get home from work, while Scott is making dinner. I'm not sure what I'd do if we had to go to a laundromat. I can't even imagine. Having to use the dorm laundry room in college was bad enough.

--No time to clean? Pick a free Saturday or Sunday. For me, there's absolutely no time for this during the week. If I'm at home on a Saturday morning, that's when I'll scrub the bathtub or vacuum the carpet.

--Find shortcuts! I cannot stress this enough. Martha Stewart has all the time in the world to do crafts and bake bread from scratch. I don't.

Any quick cleaning tips out there?


Jess said...

I love this post. Great tips!

Janet said...

Thanks! I'm going to check out your blog!

Anonymous said...

Aww! Thanks for the shout out! And great tips! don't worry, my house is a wreck and a half sometimes too. I admit it. And it took a LONG time to get where I am as far as cleaning schedules and the like. Just start implementing small changes slowly. In time, it'll get easier and more efficient. :)

Anonymous said...

Leaving wet clothes in the washing machine promotes mildew and mold. Probably not what you were going for.

Janet said...

Well, that's true if you leave a wet load of laundry in the washer for say, a day or 2 -- but a few hours won't hurt.